Year 2017 was the year of growth for ECPS PVT. LTD. in every aspect. From the Employee retention to the service quality everything took a drastic rise. Increase in no. of customers compare to previous years is the direct sign of the faith they shown on our services. We thank to our esteemed customers for their trust on us and we promise to maintain the same trust in the future too.
Along-with the rise in no. of customers, the service also reached its optimum number this year. The total no. of requirements processed in the year 2017 is 7,931 appx. out of which 6,243 appx. were the referral requirements. and appx. 31200 interviews scheduled for 2069 (appx.) candidates.
When our Placement officers were breaking all the previous records, our Support team was also engaged in providing maximum satisfaction to our customers and efficiently handled more than 4500 customer queries in the year.
Many new processes were introduced to improve the quantity and the quality of service. Such as our new customer feedback mechanism, reports from various departments and their analysis, etc.
Various events were also organised for employees for recreation and motivation. To improve work quality various training and assessment programs were conducted successfully. Along with the work, matters the self development of the employees , we are successfully running meditation program for the stress relief and life management. The positive energy keeps flowing throughout the office everyday through motivational videos and quotes sessions.
In 2017 few more steps were taken which cannot be neglected when it comes to the customer experience. The official website www.exaltconsulting.com was redesigned to make it more user friendly and responsive. A new Career Blog exaltconsulting.info was introduced which acts as a small lamp guiding the job seekers in their job hunt.
For the job seekers who have completed degree but their family income is low, a Free Job Assistance Program is introduced and brought to the action. Under this program interviews are getting scheduled and needy job seekers are getting benefited. The forum www.exaltconsulting.org was introduced to interact with such job seekers.
Least to be mentioned, but in order to inform those who want to extend the hands towards the humanity we would like to inform that we have initiated the social program in the year 2017 for sending the help of medicines, blankets and clothes every month to the organization which is working for tribal health and wellness in Maharashtra . Those who want to join us in this program can email us on info@exaltconsulting.in for more information.
Last but not the least, in Nov 2017 ECPS Pvt. Ltd. became ISO 9001:2015 certified (An international quality management standards) and the pinnacle got added into its success.
In the year 2018 our goal is to perform more efficiently and serve more. Alongwith God’s blessings we look forward for the support from our customers, vendors , agents ,employees and all of those who are associated with us.
Team Exalt Consulting wishes you a happy and healthy New Year 2018. May this year be filled with the wisdom of the Supreme for you.